Evening Drinks Party Helmsley Walled Garden

Built in 1759 as the kitchen garden for Duncombe Park, the gardeners would have supplied all the vegetable fruit and flowers for the house for over 15O years. However in 1916, the 2nd Earl Feversham died and the family left the house. The walled garden was leased as a commercial enterprise, market gardening, but in 1984 the leaseholder retired and the garden became derelict. Fortunately ten years later the lease was taken over by Alison Ticehurst who started to renovate the garden, uncovering the original network of paths and the Dipping Pond. Two years later it was opened to the public. Tragically Alison died in 1999, but staff and volunteers continued to develop and maintain the garden. Today as well as being a beautiful space, the many volunteers and visitors benefit from therapeutic horticulture, the interaction of people with plants and gardening in a secure and supportive environment to enhance their own physical and mental wellbeing.
Join us on a summer evening where the Garden’s director June Tainsh will introduce us to the garden, enjoy a glass of chilled prosecco, canapes and a chance to wander in a stunning space.
Please park in the Cleveland Way car park and follow the signs to the Walled Garden. Charge from 5.30-6.30pm is £2.00.
Tickets cost: members £20.00 non-members £25.00
Organisers: Vicky Price and Maddy Hughes
Booking info
Tickets for all events will be available electronically, using Eventbrite as last year. Each event has its own link to the Eventbrite page which will allow you to book a ticket. The Eventbrite page will give you the name, date and time, location, refund policy and description which includes information about directions and parking. We are sorry but you can only book tickets for one event at a time.
If you want to buy tickets for multiple events on-line, please use the booking form and send this to events@yorkshiregardenstrust.org.uk. Please pay for your tickets on-line by bank transfer to Yorkshire Gardens Trust, Reference ‘Surname’ Events, Sort Code 05-09-94, Account No 25555237, or you can send a cheque to Lynn Watkinson, 5 Belle Vue Terrace, Bellerby, Leyburn DL8 5QL. Tickets will be sent to you by email.
If you are unable to buy tickets on-line, please can you either ask a friend or relative who has access to the internet to buy the tickets for you either using Eventbrite or using the booking form as above. Payment can be made by bank transfer to Yorkshire Gardens Trust, Reference Events, Sort Code 05-09-94 Account No 25555237, or you can send a cheque to Lynn Watkinson, 5 Belle Vue Terrace, Bellerby, Leyburn DL8 5QL. Tickets will be sent to you by email.
Otherwise please post the booking form with your selection of events, a self-addressed envelope and a cheque made out to Yorkshire Gardens Trust to Lynn Watkinson, 5 Belle Vue Terrace, Bellerby, Leyburn DL8 5QL.