CASE NUMBER: ZC23/02883/FUL Remodelling of the interior and exterior of Canal Gates/Studley tea-room DECISION NOTICE
Including landscaping; Demolition of single storey extensions and ancillary structures -retail hut, ticket office, LPG tank, fencing, hardstanding; Extension to Studley tea-room with external alterations including replacement windows, re-rendering of building, alterations to entrance door; widening of visitor entrance to terrace in front of tea room (canal gates flanking wall) to accommodate access improvements. Studley Royal Tea Rooms Studley Park Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3DY
ZC24/03818/DVCON Section 73 application for the Variation of Condition 2 (approved
drawings) of planning permission ZC23/02936/FUL - Conversion of barn to form residential accommodation, proposed refurbishment, internal modifications and single storey rear extension to existing farmhouse. Low Lindrick Studley Royal Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3BD
ZC24/03617/DVCON Section 73 application for the Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) 4,5 and 6 (Archaeological) of Planning Permission ZC23/04555/FUL Rationalisation of the existing Estate yard at Fountains Abbey including installation of concrete storage bays and retention of storage containers (part retrospective). Fountains Abbey Estate Yard, Adjacent to Chestnut Cottage, Studley Royal, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3BB
Planning Applications ZC23/02884/LB; ZC23/02883/FUL: Objection response to the National Trust planning applications for Fountains Abbey/Studley Royal, as revised, 28 August 2024
ZC24/02227/LB | Removal and rebuild of two inner walls using appropriate materials in the Temple of Piety, along with installation of 5 no. airbricks on the north elevation and 4 no. airbricks on the south elevation and redecorate the interior following building works. | Temple Of Piety Fountains Abbey And Studley Royal Water Garden Fountains North Yorkshire
ZC23/04555/FUL Rationalisation of the existing Estate yard at Fountains Abbey including installation of concrete storage bays and retention of storage containers (part retrospective). Fountains Abbey Estate Yard, Adjacent To Chestnut Cottage, Studley Royal, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3BB
ZC23/04458/LB Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with one & half storey rear extension, alterations to fenestration. Conversion of garage to form habitable
accommodation. Installation of secondary glazing and thermal improvements. The Old Post House, 25 Studley Lane, Studley Roger, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3AY
ZC23/02936/FUL Conversion of barn to form residential accommodation, proposed
refurbishment, internal modifications and single storey rear extension to existing farmhouse. Low Lindrick Studley Royal Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3BD
DCCONLEG 6.038.43.LB ZC23/01443/LB Repair works on two sections of flanking wall forming part of the weir and cascade outlet from the lake within the Studley Royal Water Garden located within the Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal World Heritage Site (1000094) and Grade I registered park and garden (1000410). The proposed works are intended to stabilise the wall and repair the damage through installation of modern retaining walls which will be dressed using the stones saved from the extant walls. Following the repair, the walls will be reinstated to their former character and stabilised for the future. Weir And Cascade At Lake Outlet Studley Park Studley Roger North Yorkshire HG4 3DY. RECONSULTATION
Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Applications ZC23/02883/FUL, ZC23/02884/LB and ZC23/02903/FUL ICOMOS-UK (International Council on Monuments and Sites) wishes to comment on these three proposals in terms of their potential impact on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Studley Royal and the Ruins of Fountains Abbey World Heritage site (WHS)
ICOMOS = International Council on Monuments and Sites
Planning Applications ZC23/02884/LB; ZC23/02883/FUL; ZC23/02903/FUL
Objection response to the National Trust planning applications for Fountains
Abbey/Studley Royal, 29 September 2023
ZC23/01988/LB Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with two-storey rear extension, alterations to fenestration. Conversion of garage to form habitable accommodation. The Old Post House, 25 Studley Lane, Studley Roger, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3AY
DCCONLEG 6.038.43.LB ZC23/01443/LB Repair works on two sections of flanking wall forming part of the weir and cascade outlet from the lake within the Studley Royal Water Garden located within the Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal World Heritage Site (1000094) and Grade I registered park and garden (1000410). The proposed works are intended to stabilise the wall and repair the damage through installation of modern retaining walls which will be dressed using the stones saved from the extant walls. Following the repair, the walls will be reinstated to their former character and stabilised for the future. Weir And Cascade At Lake Outlet Studley Park Studley Roger North Yorkshire HG4 3DY
6.38.42.LB 22/02670/LB Alterations to the Devils Chimney include reinstatement of 4 pinnacles to roof, new lime wash finish to interior and external fence. The Devils Chimney Cocked Hat To Well Walk Studley Park North Yorkshire HG4 3DY