Museum Gardens, York

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Planning responses

Planning responses

24/01660/FUL Siting of temporary structure (tipi bar) for a period of up to 14 weeks
Download response (pdf, 86.58 KB)
23/00796/FUL Erection of 1no. detached dwelling and carport to rear with associated access, parking and landscaping, including tree removal. St Olaves Vicarage, 52 Bootham, York YO30 7BZ RECONSULTATION
Download response (pdf, 18.72 KB)
23/00796/FUL Erection of 1no. detached dwelling and carport to rear with associated access,
parking and landscaping, including tree removal. St Olaves Vicarage, 52 Bootham, York YO30
Download response (pdf, 71.12 KB)
21/02758/FUL Change of use of land to form a 12 -hole mini golf course for a period of 7 years
Central Library Gardens Museum Street York
Download response (pdf, 107.88 KB)
22/00159/FUL Extension to existing boundary fence with single and double access gates and installation of polytunnel, St Marys Lodge Marygate York YO30 7BH
Download response (pdf, 101.22 KB)