Application number: ZE24/06178/HOUSE Erection of two storey side extension to replace
existing single storey extension together with alterations to the existing fenestration. Park
House Farm, Park Farm Road, Gilling East, Helmsley, N Yorks YO62 4JA
ZE24/00001/MFUL ZE24/00002/LBC Change of use of Gilling Castle and Foals Yard outbuilding to form 10no. one-bed, 10no. two-bed and 1no. three-bed over 55's rental apartments, erection of 6no. one-bed and 8no. two-bed dwellings following demolition of existing buildings in the grounds together with leisure and sporting facilities, associated access, parking, landscaping, infrastructure, substation and engineering opportunities: St Martins Ampleforth The Castle Main Street Gilling East YO62 4HP
ZE24/00001/MFUL ZE24/00002/LBC Change of use of Gilling Castle and Foals Yard
outbuilding to form 10no. one-bed, 10no. two-bed and 1no. three-bed over 55s rental
apartments, erection of 6no. one-bed and 8no. two-bed dwellings following demolition
of existing buildings in the grounds together with leisure and sporting facilities,
associated access, parking, landscaping, infrastructure, substation and engineering
opportunities: St Martins Ampleforth The Castle Main Street Gilling East YO62 4HP