Rudding Park

Site information
Planning responses

Planning responses

ZC25/00358/FUL Single storey extension to form additional changing room facilities | Rudding Park Hotel Follifoot Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1JH
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ZC24/02532/FUL Two-storey rear extension, ‘ Pointers End’, 3 Rudding Dower Follifoot Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1LL
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ZC23/03494/FUL The erection of a temporary building (measuring approximately 14.7m x
8.7m x 2.9m) for operational use for a period of 5 years. Rudding Park Rudding Lane Follifoot Harrogate HG3 1JH
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23/01184/OUTMAJ Outline planning application with all matters reserved, to be implemented
in phases, for: a) Demolition of the existing golf club facility, ancillary and related
outbuildings, partial demolition of the later addition to the Deer Shed, and other associated
structures; b) Erection of a new destination golf/country club facility to provide replacement
facilities and swimming pool, club and related facilities, and associated areas; c) Erection of
new tennis pavilion, outdoor tennis courts, car parking, related facilities, and associated
areas; d) Provision of a family facility adjacent to the walled garden, including the provision of
a children's activity centre, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, cafe, creche, and associated
areas; e) Restoration works to the Walled Garden and its surrounds; f) Improvements to
existing and expansion of car parking areas; g) Creation of a series of routes and walkways
with associated public realm improvements; and h) Provision of buildings, structures,
servicing areas and site-wide associated landscaping, infrastructure, ancillary storage,
equipment, associated earthworks and engineering works and operations. Rudding Park
Follifoot Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1JH
Download response (pdf, 80.19 KB)
Felling Licence Application for Rudding Park, Harrogate, The Whins, Grid Ref: SE 331 520
Download response (pdf, 73.51 KB)
6.121.120.P.FULMAJ 21/05487/FULMAJ Partial demolition of existing driving range building, erection of two storey driving range building including retail provision, teaching facilities, cafe / bar and associated areas (Use Class E(a), E(b), E(d), F2(c) and Sui Generis). Reconfiguration and extension to existing car park, earthworks relating to the reconfiguration of existing ground contours and golf bunkers with all associated landscaping, ancillary storage and apparatus and all engineering, drainage works and operations. Rudding Park Driving Range Follifoot North Yorkshire
Download response (pdf, 75.54 KB)