Conservation and planning case work
1. University of York

Photo: Chris Webb
In 2021 an application by the University of York was made for the for the formation of an all-weather hard surface with ground anchors for a marquee, which would have destroyed the flow of the Grade II Registered 1960s landscape. Acting on behalf of the GT using YGT expertise, a compromise was reached with the University and Local Planning Authority, which will result in much less harm.
2. Allerton Park

Over the past few years there has been a succession of proposed developments near Allerton Castle and Park, close to the A1(M) junction east of Harrogate, this including follow-up work connected with an incinerator and developments at Allerton Farm and Walled Garden. Within the setting of Allerton Castle and Park other proposals include several warehouse-size ‘agricultural buildings’, an approved business park, the major development of an Employment Park, extensive approved housing and new major proposals for a leisure park at the site of the former Flaxby golf course.
The Castle is listed grade I, the park registered grade II and the Temple of Victory listed grade II*. The Temple of Victory is particularly iconic and prominent – as intended - in views beyond the boundary of the Registered Park and Garden. From the Temple there are panoramic rural views looking west and south-west without any significant interruption from development. Similarly, the Castle is in an elevated position commanding the landscape. YGT is very concerned that some of these planning applications, unless more carefully considered, will harm these significant reciprocal views. YGT continues to oppose and advise alongside Historic England.
3. Moreby Hall

During 2021 YGT responded with objections to two successive consultations at Moreby Hall for the conversion of a garage within the park near the Hall for which a succession of applications has requested extension and conversion into a habitable dwelling.
In October 2021 Selby District Council refused permission as ‘the proposed development would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, namely the Grade II* listed Moreby Hall, and harm to the Grade II registered historic park and garden. When the harm is weighed against the public benefits of the scheme, it is considered that the proposal is unacceptable, as the public benefits identified would not outweigh the harm. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies SP18 and SP19 of the Core Strategy, saved Policies ENV16 and ENV24 of the Selby District Local Plan, S66 (1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act) 1990 and national policy contained within the NPPF.’
4. Sheffield General Cemetery
This is registered Grade II*, being an outstanding example of a Victorian cemetery and was awarded £3m National Lottery Heritage Funding to restore it. The initial 2018 application for major conservation works gave YGT several concerns, including the proposal for a car park and associated café, lack of detail on tree removal, planting, hard landscaping and views, particularly in relation to the proposed changes at the eastern end of the cemetery. The renowned 19th Century landscape designer Robert Marnock often designed junctions of paths with interesting tree and shrub planting – therefore YGT requested that this design feature be used again at Sheffield General Cemetery.
YGT was pleased that a subsequent revised application included detailed understanding from the long-established landscape architecture practice Colvin and Moggridge. We were able to strongly support these variations. In 2019 we objected to plans for the demolition of a warehouse and erection of 10 dwellings far too close to the important north-west entrance (Grade II* listed). The re-consultation had the number of dwellings reduced to 9 with the plot at the end becoming garden ground. This resulted in YGT removing its objection.
5. The Forestry Commission
It has revised its consultation procedures so that they mirror the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Since autumn 2020 YGT has been consulted about once a month on Thinning and Clear Fell Licence applications affecting registered parks and gardens.