
Here you will find a list of the projects and resources that are available for you to download free of charge.
As a school member we would encourage you to share your work with others and we would be delighted to upload any finished material which you feel would benefit other partner schools. We will not edit the content or consider its accuracy so if you would like to send items to us, please make sure you are happy with it!
To help "Recycle in your Garden" and get the best from your Blue Lupin seeds please have a look at our new Green Manure Leaflet!
From the YGT

- Make the most of your Bee Hotel (PDF, 3.15 MB)
- Beetroot recipe ideas (PDF, 133.05 KB)
- Broad bean seeds - successful sowing & growing (PDF, 3.17 MB)
- Workshops and Visits for Schools (415.57 KB)
- Green Manure Leaflet (PDF 266.0 KB)
- Recycle in your Garden (PDF 1.8MB)