Wentworth Woodhouse

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Planning responses

Planning responses

RB2024/1595 Listed Building Consent for re-roofing of copper roof to west front in lead with raised ridge, raised lead parapet, and stonework repairs to west front façade at Wentworth Woodhouse, Cortworth Lane, Wentworth, Rotherham S62 7TQ
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RB2024/0414 Pre-Application Enquiry for Listed Building Consent for Use of Bedlam Wing and South Pavilion at Wentworth Woodhouse to Provide Visitor Accommodation.
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RB2024/0367 Pre-App enquiry for proposed redevelopment of Home Farm, Gun Park,
Powerhouse and Granny Clarkes Wood at land at Home Farm off Cortworth Lane, Wentworth
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RB2022/1854 Conversion of attached ancillary accommodation into residential use, including internal and external alterations and partial re-roof of property and insertion of new windows and doors, 146 Scholes Village Scholes S61 2RQ
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RB2023/0784 Area of park wall to south east of East Lodge, proposed partial demolition, rebuilding and realignment, East Lodge, The Whins, Greasbrough S61 4QR
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Reference: Consultation Felling and Restocking, Cmpt 1a, Wentworth Woodhouse, Cortworth
Lane, Wentworth, Rotherham, S62 7TQ. Grid Ref: SK 392 978
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16/01095/S7301 Variation of condition 2 of approved application 16/016095/FUL dated 16th May 2017 (relating to approved application 12/01524/HYB dated 18th April 2013) (part detailed, part outline application for the re-development of former Bretton Hall campus. Detailed application: the conversion of the Mansion House to form a 120 bed hotel with ancillary restaurants, bar, spa, conference, wedding facilities and temporary marquee locations (C1)
including erection of 3-storey extensions to the north and east wings and the partial demolition of later addition extensions to the Mansion and full demolition of Ezra Taylor, Alec Clegg, Victor Pasmore (including Music School and Dance Studio) buildings, Refectory, Student Services bungalow and hostel/ancillary buildings; conversion of the Camellia House to ancillary hotel use; conversion of the Stables, Coach House, Theatre, Gym, Library and link block to 7 office units (B1(a)) and/or non-residential institutions (D1); erection of two 2-3 storey office pavilions (B1(a)) and/or non-residential institutions (D1); and associated new access roads, car parking infrastructure and landscape works. Outline application: Erection of six 2 storey office pavilions (B1(a)) and/or non-residential institutions (D1)). Application to amend some of the detailed drawings to which the application and approval relates Bretton Hall, Park Lane, Bretton.
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19/02294/LBC PLANNING APPLICATION REVISED PLANS Application for Listed Building Consent for works of restoration, conversion and development to the Mansion House, Stables and Coach House, Camellia House, curtilage and associated buildings within the Bretton Hall Estate and relates works of demolition, new construction, car parking infrastructure and landscaping for hotel, conferencing exhibition uses, offices, non-residential institutions and associated uses. Bretton Hall, Park Lane, Bretton.
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RB2022/0276 Planning application for retrospective approval - Formation of vehicle circulation area to include laying of crushed stone and aggregate and associated planting at Wentworth Garden Centre Hague Lane Wentworth
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RB2021/2278 Change of use of the estate from a private residence to use class Sui Generis, opening to the public for house guided & non-guided tours, garden visits, weddings, events, education workshops, ancillary cafe within the mansion house & location filming. Change of use of Camellia House to a cafe and event space (use class E) & associated facilities & services including changing place pod, bin store, 4 No. disabled car parking spaces & new landscape setting to Camellia House. Demolition of teaching accommodation and provision of a new car park to the North- West of the stable block to serve the estate together with temporary coach parking on former tennis court to the East of the main house. New pedestrian and cycle route between stables and the main house and Change of use of part of Stables building to a production kitchen and cafe area and resurfacing of Mews Court courtyard. at Wentworth Woodhouse Cortworth Lane Wentworth Cortworth Lane, Wentworth Rotherham S62 7TQ
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RB2021/2278 Change of use of the estate from a private residence to use class Sui Generis, opening to the public for house guided & non-guided tours, garden visits, weddings, events, education workshops, ancillary cafe within the mansion house & location filming. Change of use of Camellia House to a cafe and event space (use class E) & associated facilities & services including changing place pod, bin store, 4 No. disabled car parking spaces & new landscape setting to Camellia House. Demolition of teaching accommodation and provision of a new car park to the North- West of the stable block to serve the estate together with temporary coach parking on former tennis court to the East of the main house. New pedestrian and cycle route between stables and the main house and Change of use of part of Stables building to a production kitchen and cafe area and resurfacing of Mews Court courtyard. at Wentworth Woodhouse Cortworth Lane Wentworth Cortworth Lane, Wentworth Rotherham S62 7TQ
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RB2021/2278 Change of use of the estate from a private residence to use class Sui Generis, opening to the public for house guided & non-guided tours, garden visits, weddings, events, education workshops, ancillary cafe within the mansion house & location filming. Change of use of Camellia House to a cafe and event space (use class E) & associated facilities & services including changing place pod, bin store, 4 No. disabled car parking spaces & new landscape setting to Camellia House. Demolition of teaching accommodation and provision of a new car park to the North- West of the stable block to serve the estate together with temporary coach parking on former tennis court to the East of the main house. New pedestrian and cycle route between stables and the main house and Change of use of part of Stables building to a production kitchen and cafe area and resurfacing of Mews Court courtyard. at Wentworth Woodhouse Cortworth Lane Wentworth Cortworth Lane, Wentworth Rotherham S62 7TQ
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