Allerton Park

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Planning responses

Planning responses

NY/2025/0016/73 Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the Variation of Condition No’s 1,2,3,20,& 21 of planning permission ref. C6/19/00988/CMA to allow for the continuation of importation and placement of non-hazardous soil, amend the approved landform and date for final restoration, and removal of condition No23 on land at Allerton Park Landfill, Moor Lane (off A168), Knaresborough, HG5 0SD
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Consultation on Felling Licence for Allerton Park Estate FLA 012/3469/2024 SE 416 576
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Approval of details under Conditions 4 (glazing), 5 (windows) and 6 (door)) 10 (Guttering Details) of planning permission of planning permission ZC23/01293/LB - Part demolition of existing delapidated greenhouse and erection of larger building to form Home office/Gym to serve Gardeners Cottage.
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ZC24/03034/LB | Listed building consent for internal alterations including lift, with external steps and wheelchair lift, The Stables, Allerton Park, Allerton Mauleverer, Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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ZC24/00482/LB | Demolition of existing porch and construction of new porch
extension. | Gardeners Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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ZC24/00480/LB | Listed building consent for the demolition of existing orangery and day room and construction of new orangery extension with associated fenestration alterations to the rear elevation. | Gardeners Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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ZC24/00159/LB Retrospective approval for side kitchen extension. Walled Garden & Gardeners Cottage, Allerton Lane, Allerton Park, Allerton Mauleverer, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 0SE
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ZC23/03533/FUL Proposed Agricultural Building (straw storage). Allerton Grange Farm
Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Phase 3 of
Class E (Commercial,business and service), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage and
distribution) development, associated infrastructure and engineering works, approved in
outline under hybrid planning permission 21/01238/EIAMAJ.
Land Comprising Field At 440633 457078 Allerton Park North Yorkshire
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23/00649/FUL Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and garage. Allerton Grange Farm
Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE. RECONSULTATION
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DCCONLEG 6.500.283.D.REMMAJ 22/03220/REMMAJ Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Phase 3 of Class E (Commercial, business and service), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) development, associated infrastructure and engineering works, approved in outline underhybrid planning permission 21/01238/EIAMAJ. Land Comprising Field At 440633 457078 Allerton Park North Yorkshire. RESERVED MATTERS
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6.95.283.G.FUL 23/01026/FUL DCCONLEG 6.95.283.H.LB ZC23/01293/LB Part demolition of
existing greenhouse and erection of larger building to form Home office / Gym to serve
Gardeners Cottage, Gardeners Cottage, Allerton Lane Allerton Park Knaresborough North
Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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23/00649/FUL Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and garage. Allerton Grange Farm
Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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6.95.283.E.FUL 22/02693/FUL 22/04271/LB Conversion of existing Greenhouse to Annex.
Gardeners Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park North Yorkshire HG5 0SE RECONSULTATION
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22/04266/LB Demolition of existing orangery and day room. Erection of two storey rear extension, single storey extension and front porch. Alterations to fenestration.
Gardeners Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0S

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22/03341/FUL and 22/03923/LB
Replacement of window in chapel exterior with an entry/fire exit door within existing space leading into vestry service room. Allerton Castle Allerton Lane Allerton Park North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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22/03196/FUL Demolition of existing orangery and day room. Erection of two storey rear
extension, single storey extension and front porch. Alterations to fenestration. Gardeners
Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
Download response (pdf, 72.56 KB)
22/01257/FUL Change of use of agricultural building to B8 (Storage or distribution) use.
Allerton Grange Farm Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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6.95.283.E.FUL 22/02693/FUL PLANNING APPLICATION Conversion of existing Greenhouse to
Annex. Gardeners Cottage Allerton Lane Allerton Park North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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DCCONLEG 6.500.281.D.REMMAJ 22/02247/REMMAJ Reserved matters application
(appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Phase 2 of Class E (Commercial,business and
service), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) development, associated
infrastructure and engineering works, approved in outline under hybrid planning permission
21/01238/EIAMAJ Land At Flaxby South West Of The Junction Of The A59 And A1M.
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22/01257/FUL Change of use of agricultural building to B8 (Storage or distribution) use.
Allerton Grange Farm Allerton Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SE
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20/04773/EIAMAJ Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the
development of up to 350 holiday lodges, with access considered, including hotel (up to 30
bedrooms), pub/restaurant, farm shop, cafe, gift shop, activity hub, wine house, indoor
swimming pool, spa, indoor leisure facilities, outdoor sport/leisure facilities, landscaping,
parking and access. Flaxby Leisure Park Flaxby Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0RR
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