2024/0190 Rebuilding and repair works to a section of collapsed battlement walling (Listed
Building Consent) Wentworth Castle Gardens, Park Drive, Stainborough, Barnsley, S75 3EN
2023/0909 Installation of new pitched roof dormer and alterations to existing dormers on north-east elevation to accommodate rooms within the roof space, alterations to existing entrance on south-west elevation, and various internal and external alterations (Amended Plans & Description). Quarry Cottage, Lowe Lane, Stainborough, Barnsley, S75 3EP
2023/0909 Side attached garage with storage room above, rear dormer and modification of
front entrance. Quarry Cottage, Lowe Lane, Stainborough, Barnsley, S75 3EP
2023/0735 Resurfacing of existing paths with resin bound surface in Union Jack Garden to improve accessibility and safety, Wentworth Castle Gardens, Park Drive, Stainborough,
Barnsley, S75 3EN
2023/0534 Installation of Visitor Information Shed with ramp for a temporary period of 5 years, Wentworth Castle Gardens, Park Drive, Stainborough, Barnsley, S75 3EN
22/01369/LB 6.75.76.A.LB Listed Building consent for the erection of timber framed link extension between dwelling and garage with alterations and conversion of garage to form garden room. Internal alterations and alterations to fenestration. Castle Close Hollybank Lane Ripley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3AY
2022/0067 Change of use of Home Farm buildings from C2 'Residential Institution' to short term residential letting units (24no bedrooms) Wentworth Castle, Northern College, Lowe Lane, Stainborough, Barnsley, S75 3ET