Newsletters and e-Bulletins

Since our foundation, we have published a bi-annual Newsletter. We also produce an e-Bulletin that is published 4 times a year. For the latest electronic copies please see below.

Show publications...
Dandelions in a meadow.

Newsletter 47
Autumn 2020

Snowdrops and a tree stand in front of a red stone stately home.

e-Bulletin 2
July 2020

Schoolchildren undertake activities in a garden supervised by an adult.

Newsletter 46
Spring 2020

A group of people stand together in a garden.

e-Bulletin 1
November 2019

Schoolchildren in a garden undertake activities.

Newsletter 45
Autumn 2019

A picture of Lord Kitchener with the words "Yorkshire Gardens Trust... needs you!"

Newsletter 44
Spring 2019

Snowdrops in a border alongside purple flowers.

Newsletter 43
Autumn 2018

Stone pillars stand at the edge of a landscaped garden area.

Newsletter 42
Spring 2018

An illustration of a small garden in front of a brick wall with the words 'Anywhere Farm'.

Newsletter 41
Autumn 2017

Two women stand in front of a portrait of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown.

Newsletter 40
Spring 2017

A woman with a microphone talks.

Newsletter 39
Autumn 2016

A painting of flowers in a silver urns.

Newsletter 38
Spring 2016

A tight group of purple and white flowers on a single stem.

Newsletter 37
Autumn 2015

Two people talk during a function.

Newsletter 36
Spring 2015

A group of people stand in front of a blossoming tree.

Newsletter 35
Autumn 2014